How to Keep Burglars Away (In a High-Crime City)?

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How to Keep Burglars Away (In a High-Crime City)?

  • 12 Dec 2020
  • Posted By S K Weldedmesh

You wanted a safe abode. But it is what is it… you live in a city that witnesses a relatively higher rate of crime. Burglary, in particular, is common. Now the task is to put off such criminals away from your home and keep your family and valuables safe. This may seem simple but, in reality, for maximum safety, you’re required to do more than just take basic security measures. After all, a place where housebreaking is prevalent, the burglars would definitely know how to bypass the basic security steps.

In that context, here are 4 tips to help you keep burglars away from your home in a high-crime city:

Kill all the “invitation signs”


Criminals don’t break in any house they come across. Instead, they prey only after proper deliberation. They break in properties that they deem suitable. So, the first thing you need to do is make sure your house isn’t a “suitable” target for them. Meaning, you need to kill the factors or signs that may invite these burglars.

For one, a poorly-lit property is not safe. They invite criminals. So, make sure the surroundings of your house (including the pavement and backyard) has enough lights that stay on throughout the night. Similarly, a property that has many spots to hide behind is not safe. Ideally, you want a clear space that you can have complete sight of. So, clean out the mess in the outdoor; like, cut down the bushes, remove the large dustbin that blocks the sight, park your vehicle in a better spot.

When you fix such “invitation signs”, your property would be less likely to be the target of burglars.

Install better CCTV camera


CCTV is a must for every property owner in high-crime cities. But there’s more to it. Installing a surveillance camera is not an obligation but an essential need. Sadly, many people treat it as an obligation, so they casually go with poor quality varieties. Don’t be one of them!

You need a better quality CCTV camera that packs rich features so to provide you with optimum security. High resolution, night vision, day-night recording and remote accessibility are some obvious features you should look for. In addition, if you have the budget, you should invest in a CCTV camera that has motion detection and PTZ (Pan, Tilt, Zoom) features.

A property that evidently has several surveillance cameras on the perimeter is an unlike target of criminals.

Fence up the perimeter


Again, this is a very obvious security measure. But like the previous point, it has its caveat. Just ‘any’ fence won’t do it. You are fencing your property to prevent intrusion. So, quality ought to be the primary focus here.

You want a superior quality fence that is not only very strong and durable but is also anti-cut and anti-climb. It should be properly installed to effectively shield every corner of the property. Moreover, if you have the budget, you can go a step further to install an electric fence.

Consult a good fence company. Here at SK Weldedmesh, we offer a wide range of fencing solutions for all residential and commercial needs. Over the years, as one of the top fence manufacturers in India, we have been trusted by thousands of people. Contact us today and talk to our experts. We can help you figure what kind of fence would be fitting to your needs and requirements.

For more information, give these articles a quick read (or bookmark them to read later):

  1. How to Find the Right Type of Fence (That Provides Max Utility)

  2. 8 FAQs (Answered) About Electric Fence

  3. 5 Questions to Ask a Fence Manufacturer in the Next Conversation

  4. 5 Things to Consider Before Investing in Any Perimeter Security Solution

Build a community


This is more of a holistic tip to secure your house against burglars and other criminals. In a neighborhood where people don’t come together to help each other when in need, criminals enjoy more power. Because they know when they target anyone, others won’t intervene; they know when they break in any property, others in the neighborhood wouldn’t care.

So, it’s important to build a strong community where people come to aid for others; a community that looks after each other. So, if you’re not a part of such a community in your area, build one. Connect with your neighbors and get to know more about them. Make more friends in the area. Take collective measures in case if there’s any criminal activity in the neighborhood. Such an environment would usually keep the burglars away.

This will ensure that, on a bad day, in case if there’s indeed a burglary attempt in your property, people in your community would rush to help you.



These are four tips on how you can keep the burglars away from your home in a city where the crime rate is relatively higher.

Remember, high incidents of crime doesn’t mean you, your family and your valuables should remain exposed to risks and vulnerabilities all the time. Adequate security measures on your end will keep your property from being a target of burglars.

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