5 Questions to Ask a Fence Manufacturer in the Next Conversation

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5 Questions to Ask a Fence Manufacturer in the Next Conversation

  • 21 Nov 2020
  • Posted By S K Weldedmesh

You did some research, went through several fence manufacturers, and then finally picked a fence company.

But are you really sure if this manufacturer is the right fit for your distinct needs, requirements, and budget?

What if they aren’t?

What if they fail at your expectations in terms of quality?

This is where the first conversation with them – before you make any transactional commitment – becomes very important.

You must ask them the right questions to ensure that they have what you need and that you can truly trust them.

(This is especially important if you’re a fencing contractor who is seeking a long-term relationship with a fence company in India; someone who would directly source fence from a manufacturer.)

Here are five of those questions:

1. What type of fences do you have?

There come numerous types of fences (from chain link fence to metal fence to composite fence). So, what type does this fence manufacturer offers?

You might find such information on their website. However, at times, such information could be misleading or a point of exaggeration.

This is why asking this question is important. If they name the type (and variety) of the fence that you’re looking for, the conversation should move ahead. If not, you should call a different fence manufacturer.

2. What industries or customer type do you primarily serve?

They might serve everyone but who is their primary customer?

Do they manufacture fences for industrial purpose? Or is it for the residential needs? Do they focus on commercial requirements? Or there’s any specific type of customer they target?

Find the answers. It will give you an idea that the manufacturer can adequately serve you (or not).

3. How long you’ve been in the game?

Experience matters. The more years to their existence means the more customers they have served. And since they have supplied their fence to these many customers – and they still stand today with a good market reputation – means they definitely offer good quality fencing solutions.

So, do ask when they started manufacturing.

4. Can you give some of your customer testimonials?

Enough of them speaking about themselves. What do their customers have to say about them?

Ask them for a few customer testimonials.

These statements from their customers can reveal a lot of insights, like the manufacturer’s pros and cons, their priorities, their strength, and more.

Such information can help you in making the decision whether you want to go ahead with them or should you contact a different e fence manufacturer.

5. What would you recommend I should get?

A good fence manufacturer won’t just offer good quality fence but also go out of its way to ensure the outcome and experience on your end is excellent.

In the first conversation with them, it’s a good idea to discuss your needs and requirements in detail. Also, let them know your budget limitations, if you have it.

Thereon, ask them if they have any advice? Advice on the kind of fence you should buy, how you should go about installing the fence, and so forth.

Their experts can really help you make an informed purchase, even further providing you consultation around the how’s, what’s and why’s of fence installation and maintenance.


These are five questions you should ask a fence manufacturer in the next conversation you have with them before finalizing any transactional commitment.

You want to be adequately assured that you’re working with a good manufacturer whom you can rely on. Again, this is especially important if you’re a fencing contractor; you want someone who can meet your urgent orders and whom you can build a lasting relationship with.

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