4 Mistakes Others Make When Buying Fencing Products (But You Shouldn’t)

security fence manufacturers

4 Mistakes Others Make When Buying Fencing Products (But You Shouldn’t)

  • 17 Jul 2020
  • Posted By S K Weldedmesh

How hard could it be?

You contact a fence company in India, let them know your requirement, and place your order for the fencing product. Thereon, you have contractors on board to install the fence if needed.


However, in between those lines are little gaps that are adequate to commit some basic mistakes.

In fact, many people do make such mistakes. And the fencing turns up to be a bad (and costly) deal for them.

To make sure you aren’t one of them, you must be aware of these mistakes.

Here are four mistakes others make when buying fencing products – but you shouldn’t:

1. Not establishing their needs and purpose

It’s not uncommon for people to be unclear in their needs and purpose. They know they want the fence – but their what’s and why’s remain unanswered.

Do they want a fence just for the sake of it or do they want it for security purposes, like intrusion detection and deflection?

Do they want a functional fence or its appearance ought to be good as well?

What would be the height of the fence? How many fence posts would be there?

These questions need to be addressed. After all, unless you know your exact needs and purpose, there’s a very good chance you’ll be disappointed with the product and fencing outcome.

2. Buying the wrong fence

Okay, you now know your need and purpose. But that isn’t an end-all-be-all. Even for the same purpose, there exist many types of fencing solutions and products.

To target a wider segment and suit their distinct needs, manufacturers like SK Welded Mesh offer many different types of fences – from chain link and aluminum fence to PVC and Vinyl white-picket fence. In the portfolio of a good fence company in India, you would certainly find many more fencing products, like reinforcement mesh, polymer mesh, and more.

After you have identified your need and purpose, you will then have to figure out which type or variety of fence is appropriate for your need. Sadly, many buyers show reluctance in this, eventually ending with the wrong type of fence that fail their purpose, expectation, and investment.

3. Not talking with the supplier

The supplier or manufacturer where you’re buying your fencing products from – many of them can be of great help.

They can assist you in finding the best fence that adequately fits with your requirement.

Sadly, many buyers over-talk and listen less in conversation with fence manufacturers.

Instead, listen to them. Ask for their expertise and opinions.

4. Over-prioritizing the price

If you’re looking for high-quality fencing products – which you must by all means – you will have to spend more money on it.

Remember, high quality comes at a price.

Cheaply priced fences have compromised quality; they don’t last long enough. And this is a very big flaw especially if you’re purchasing them primarily for security purposes.


These are four common mistakes people usually make when buying fencing products.

There sure are various other blunders that they also make.

You don’t want to be one of them!

The key in the process is to be an informed decision-maker. Know your exact needs and pick the appropriate fencing solution accordingly. And most importantly, since you can’t be an expert at ‘everything fencing’, listen to those who are. At SK Welded Mesh, we offer a wide range of fencing products for both residential and commercial segments. Connect with us today, talk to our experts, and let’s work on your fencing requirement.

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