A Guide to Improve Security in a Corporate Building [Pandemic Edition]

thermal camera security system

A Guide to Improve Security in a Corporate Building [Pandemic Edition]

  • 04 Sep 2020
  • Posted By S K Weldedmesh

It isn’t just about the intruders anymore. During this pandemic, even a person seemingly harmless can pose serious threats to others’ health. Of course, this doesn’t call in for being cynical of everybody around and doubting them of possibly being infected by COVID-19. But it does demand more caution, care, and newer SOPs. And that’s what corporate buildings need to introduce or/and adopt – better measures to ensure the highest of health safety for people inside.

Train the Security Guards

The first step in the process is to invest in training the security guards. The coronavirus is new for everyone. The challenges it poses are unprecedented, which require specialized training and better understanding to tackle and thwart. So, training the security guards at the corporate buildings is the first, and perhaps the most fundamental step. They must know how to keep an effective check on people’s entry and exit, and prevent those who might be showing signs of COVID-19 – all the while, also keeping themselves safe.

(High-Quality) Thermal Camera Security System

Next is investing in a thermal camera security system, the demand for which has already increased from the onset of this pandemic. These thermal CCTV cameras create one’s image using infrared radiation, which helps determine the person’s body temperature. The image is output in a monitor.

Installed at the strategic positions, thermal camera surveillance systems can enable security guards to detect individuals with higher body temperature and prevent their entry into the building. Admittedly, these devices aren’t foolproof. But they do provide an outer layer of security, which the population requires to stay vigilant.

Contactless Thermometer

Thermal CCTV cameras aren’t 100 percent accurate. This is why the security guards must also be armed with contactless handheld thermometers, which now has become quite common actually. A contactless digital thermometer will measure one’s body temperature better. If found with fever, a common symptom of coronavirus, the individual can be barred from entry into the building.

How to Deal With the “Danger”?

Along with these, a proper SOP must be established to deal with individuals seeking entry with COVID-19 symptoms. How the security guards should respond? Whom should they call? What those inside the building should do? What on-premise sanitization measures should be taken? Such questions must be addressed head-on.

The Need for Fencing

In addition, if the corporate building has open space around and multiple entryways and exits, extra security measures might be needed. For instance, to prevent entry from unguarded spots, proper fencing work is a must. To that, to control the crowd and maintain a more systematic movement on the premise, again, installing a fencing net is a good idea.


These are some extra measures that corporate buildings can – and must take – alongside their regular security steps so to ensure everyone inside remains safe against COVID-19. Indeed, these are challenging times. But slightly more care towards own and others’ health can make all the difference in preventing the spread of coronavirus, which is extremely important as offices across India are slowly opening, albeit with restrictions.

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